bold & audacious plan is the only way to positively impact your future by changing your life from today onwards

Know what you want and why you want it, and then go after that goal like your life depends on it - because it does!

IsNotSo Merch on Etsy

Kim.E, from, creates products designed to empower and inspire women to embrace and embody who they truly are. IsNotSo Merch proudly represents the unique super-heroine in all of us and accentuates Kim.E´s self-actualisation products. A must have attention-grabber that is certainly not everyone's "cuppa tea".

Designed for every uncompromising wardrobe and the audacious, unconventional woman who is fed up with compromise, subordination, and self-denial, and wishes to triumph over the biggest obstacle standing in her way - HERSELF.

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IsNotSo Merch + FREE Bodacious Plan

Kim.E´s genuine wish is to help women get ahead. With every IsNotSo Etsy store purchase, you get Bodacious Plan for FREE. Yes, the 103-page Bodacious Plan costs you nothing! Nada! At least you can look good while you design your dream life for the year ahead.

Bodacious Plan is a guideline designed to help you create and reach your big, personal goals with small, incremental, yet absolutely doable steps. It includes the following: Introduction to Guideline, Journal Prompts, Circumstantial Evidence, Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Goals.

Because IsNotSo Merch on the Etsy Store has a return and exchange policy for a period of 30 days, your Bodacious Plan will be on its way to you as soon as this period is over.

To receive your FREE Bodacious Plan, click the button below and fill in the fields. Add the following information in the message field:

  • Your receipt or invoice number of your Etsy purchase.
  • The date you made your purchase.
  • The title or name of the IsNotSo Merch product you purchased.  
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 Free with or without IsNotSo Merch

Hot Mess to Invincible is a 10-step process that will help you recognise your ego re-actions whenever you find yourself in challenging situations with difficult people. Learn how you can feel empowered and not overpowered by what disturbs you. In other words, learn how to get out of your own damn way.

→ Perhaps you're struggling with your own emotions or the annoying egos of others, and you wish you were treated differently by people.

→ Maybe you are tired of hoping that people, your current circumstances, or world events will change, because your happiness depends on everything else.

→ Perhaps you find it challenging to detach yourself from experiences that trigger you emotionally, are out of your control and disturb you terribly.

Yes, I want to work on challenging emotions →