Weaponised Dehumanisation - Subliminal Social Disease - Part Two

In the second part of this two part series, Kim.E continues to reveal her perspective on the foundation of the USA and Israel. Both countries have ethnically cleansed and displaced millions of indigenous peoples to enable the immigration of the falsely perceived racially and religiously “superior” races. Kim.E questions the morality, humanity and integrity of the masses who support such countries, their leaders, and their actions. She criticises the Israeli leaders and Jewish citizens, and their complicity in the abhorrent crimes against humanity. Kim.E expresses her perspective on the pro-Israeli propaganda posts found on social media, and reveals some of the horrors carried out by the so-called “honourable” Israeli Defence Force.
This is the second part of this blog.
Click this link → Weaponised Dehumanisation - Part One to begin with the first part.
I digressed! Let's return to the USA´s first colony, Jamestown in Virgina. In 1606, European civilians willingly joined the Jamestown settlement in the hope of building a new life, and in so doing, became 100% complicit in the foreign occupation and "legalised" theft of indigenous lands. Just like the Israeli Jews, they had become the actual occupiers and the sacrificial lamb necessary for a greater vision, which in the case of Virginia, was solely beneficial to the Banker and Merchant Class and its greedy shareholders.
The Powhatan Confederacy, which consisted of 30 Algonquian-speaking tribes, initially welcomed the 104 male settlers to Virginia, and believed they could be trading partners. They exchanged food for weapons and tools. Many settlers did not survive the first winter and died of starvation. The Virgina Company of London wanted to see profitable returns on their investments and had no intention of stopping the emigration of settlers to Virginia. By 1609, there were 500 settlers, many of whom also died of starvation during the harsh winters. In 1610, Lord De La Warr (Thomas West) arrived in Jamestown with military reinforcements to protect the struggling colony in Virginia.
The Powhatans naturally retaliated against the large influx of settlers and the inevitable claim of their sovereign lands through expansionism and colonisation. There was a short-lived period of peace when John Rolfe, yes the tobacco guy, married the kidnapped Powhatan chiefs daughter Amonute, who was also called Matoaka and better known by her nickname Pocahontas. After converting to Christianity, Pocahontas was given the name Rebecca. In 1917, Pocahontas was buried at age 21 in Gravesend after falling ill while visiting England.
After her death, the animosity between the settlers and Powhatans increased. Brutal conflicts ensued with the indigenous people wanting to claim back what was rightfully theirs. In the Indian Massacre of 1622, also known as the Jamestown Massacre, 347 settlers were killed. Settlers were provided with arms and ammunition to retaliate against the indigenous peoples and to protect themselves. The power of the gun was captivating for the blood-thirsty, revengeful settlers, who began their spree of massacring innocent indigenous people in nearby villages, and so the extermination of the Native Americans had begun. The settlers had shifted from settler occupiers on land they didn't own, to murderers whose deeds were sanctioned in the name of self-defence and the right-to-exist.
I totally get that our primal instinct is to survive, and that we all wish to provide a better life for our families and offspring, yet I cannot understand how settlers in foreign countries, regardless of religion or ethnicity, consider themselves more superior and more deserving than the indigenous peoples of that land, and then willingly become the thieves and murderers who would do anything to keep land that wasn't theirs to begin with.
The ethnic cleansing of the indigenous peoples of the USA was strategic, legally bound by laws foreign to the indigenous peoples, and justifiable in the eyes of the settlers, the governing bodies in the USA and abroad, and European civilians. Such ethnic cleansing would have been unacceptable had the powerful program of dehumanisation failed, a program where racial superiority was created to justify inhumane slave trade, and the torture and murder of people of colour. The effects of this powerful program are very evident to this day, as racial segregation and white superiority still reign supreme.
The great influx of "whites" to the Virginia region would continue for centuries. As their numbers increased, the numbers of Native Americans drastically decreased. Let's take a look at how the indigenous peoples of the USA were strategically eliminated over the next two hundred years.
- The catastrophic spread of diseases: Measles, smallpox and influenza were fatal for indigenous peoples. During Pontiac's Rebellion in 1763, British officers, including Jeffrey Amherst, reportedly gave smallpox-infected blankets to Native Americans, deliberately intending to spread the disease. The spread of disease caused the death of hundreds and thousands of indigenous peoples. My opinion is that most, if not all of the diseases, including the plague, that have ravaged our world and killed millions of people, were biological weapons created in a lab.
- The massacres and genocides of natives. These genocides were carried out by the military, as well as the settlers and civilians. For example, the California state policy actively encouraged the extermination of Native Americans. Bounties were paid for the scalps or heads of Native men, women, and children. Militia groups were formed to hunt down and kill Native Americans, with local and state governments reimbursing the cost of weapons and ammunition.
- Forced displacement: The Indian Removal Act under President Andrew Jackson in 1830 was a law that authorised the U.S. government to forcibly relocate Native American tribes from their ancestral lands in the southeastern United States to designated "Indian Territory" west of the Mississippi River (present-day Oklahoma).
- Military expansion: This expansion was aimed at seizing lands from native Americans, who were largely outnumbered and outgunned by the military.
- The starvation of indigenous peoples: By the 1870s, millions of buffalo were slaughtered, not just for their hides, but as part of a strategy to starve Native American populations into submission.
- Re-education: Native American children were forcibly removed from their families and sent to boarding schools run by the U.S. government or Christian missionaries. The purpose of these schools was to assimilate Native children into white American culture.
Mass extermination of the Native Americans and the power of the gun, gave the settlers a sense of autonomy. They soon became discontented with taxation and laws enforced by British governance. They wanted the lands for themselves and rebelled. For example: Bacon's Rebellion in the Virginia Colony in 1676 led by Nathaniel Bacon, was an uprising sparked by tensions between frontier settlers and the colonial government of Virginia, which was loyal to the British Crown.
While the settlers and the military were ethnically cleansing the lands of indigenous people, hundreds of thousands of settlers were brought to the lands to occupy those territories. The civilians were the workforce in a booming economy, and also the human resources that served in the military and worked in governing bodies. They believed they had a right to be there and to do what they were doing. To build up the country, free labour was essential, so slaves were brought to those regions. The Bankers and Merchant Class already had a booming business in the slave trade, which was nothing more than the "legalised" kidnapping, starvation, exploitation, and torture of human beings, which was considered acceptable behaviour for most of the "white" settlers.
The first eleven U.S. presidents owned plantations with slaves, as did many politicians, which says quite a lot about the character of the men that held leadership positions. The four U.S. presidents who were assassinated and the four U.S. presidents who died in office, wished to pursue reforms that did not serve specific groups. Of course their deaths had nothing to do with politics and were natural or blamed on fanatical, random lone-wolves. Yeah sure!
The settlers eventually came together to fight against their occupiers, which led to civil war and resulted in their independence, and voila, the USA was born. Through all of this, the Banking and Merchant Class earned astronomical profits on every aspect of trade, commerce, and war, all while remaining in the dark shadows, of course.
The parallels between the USA and Israel are quite amazing, not so? What I find fascinating is that the decisions to ethnically cleanse Native Americans and Palestinians were and are made by "trusted" politicians, who were and are obviously evil to the core, yet millions of civilians naively support and honour them.
Today, my sober opinion is that none of the politicians, political leaders, or corporate billionaires deserve to be honoured until the truth of their character is revealed. We have been so whitewashed and desensitised, and willingly honour men who were and are despicable human beings who hide behind perfect smiles and presidential, political or corporate clothing. If we were governed by heart-centred individuals, our world would be very different today.
We have powerful politicians, who proudly and publicly support the terrorist nation Israel. Why do millions of citizens support those politicians? Because they have the perfect suit, the perfect speeches, the perfect academic achievements, and the perfect life? How did we become so deluded and so blind? Have we all lost our humanity? What a dumb society we have become!
There were an estimated 18 million indigenous peoples in the USA. By 1860, only an estimated 250.000 to 400.000 Native Americans were left. What happened to the rest? Now in 2024, there are an estimated 2.9 million Native Americans in the USA.
By 1600, there were only around 100.000 Europeans in Florida and the Spanish Southwest. By 1860, the “white” population had already reached 27 million. In 2024, there are an estimated 250 million "white" Americans.
There were very few “black” people, who were the slaves or servants of the European settlers in Florida and the Spanish Southwest. An estimated 12.5 million slaves were brought to the Americas. By 1860, the USA had about 4 million slaves of which only 200.000 were free. In 2024, there are an estimated 47 million "black" or African Americans.
The same colonial playbook was played out in South Africa, but failed horribly because the "black" population remained the majority. There are an estimated 48 million "black" people in 2024, and a minority of "white" people estimated at 4.6 million.
Like the USA, Israel has managed to shift from a minority of 5% Jews in Palestine in the mid-1800s to 75.55% in 2024. The Israeli population of 9.795 million people consists of 7.4 million Jews.
What I find repulsive is that our history honours the leaders, the presidents, and the settlers who founded the colonies. We celebrate their achievements with national pride, even though they were thieves, murders, and torturers who ethnically cleansed indigenous peoples to create the nations proudly represented by the "white" citizens of those nations. How could we become so misguided?
There is nothing moral or justified about the founding of the USA, its civilian occupation of indigenous lands, and its ethnic cleansing of its indigenous populations, just as there is nothing moral about the occupation of Palestine. My opinion is that the "white" and Jewish citizens of these countries are subconsciously aware of the immorality of their existence on those lands, which is why they are such proud nationalists and ardent proponents of death and destruction in the name of security, self-defence, and the right to exist. The brutal heritage they choose to ignore riddles them with shame and guilt, which keeps them in an illusion of self-righteousness and false superiority. Shame and guilt are the rabid bitches that manifest themselves into super-sized egos that loudly and perpetually blame the other to divert attention away from themselves.
Without any civilians, a state like Israel, or any state for that matter, couldn't even exist. Israel wouldn´t have become what it is today without its military, and its military cannot exist without human resources. Let's take a look at an estimation of Jewish Israeli civilians that may have served in the IDF since its inception in 1948.
First let's consider the following:
- Israel has mandatory military service for all Jewish citizens. Men serve for about 2 years and 8 months, while women serve for about 2 years.
- Reserve service is mandatory for all Jewish men after their military service and up to the age of forty.
- Druze and Circassian men are also required to serve, just like Jewish citizens. The current Druze population in Israel is between 140.000 and 150.000, while the Circassian is only between 4.000 to 5.000 people.
- Arab citizens (21% of Israel's population) are exempt from mandatory military service.
- Ultra-Orthodox Jews (Haredim) are exempt from conscription if they are studying full-time in religious institutions (yeshivot). Current estimates are that 66,000 Haredi men avoid military service.
- The Jewish population of Israel has grown significantly since 1948. At the founding of Israel, the Jewish population was around 650.000 and is now around 7.4 million. Israel’s overall population is over 9.9 million. If we consider that roughly 70-80% of the male Jewish population, and perhaps 50-60% of the female Jewish population might serve or have served, accounting for exemptions, and considering population growth over the years, we're looking at an average annual conscription of tens of thousands per year over 75+ years.
If we estimate an average of about 30.000 to 40.000 conscripts annually from the male and female Jewish population at any given time in recent decades, and extend this over the lifespan of Israel with population growth factored in, we might estimate that over 75 years, even with varying rates of service, the total number could easily be in the range of 2 to 3 million or more, when including both regular service and significant reserve duty.
That would mean that numerous prime ministers and an estimated 27% to 41% of the total Jewish population of 7.4 million, most likely served in the Israeli Defence Force. (I believe the percentage is much higher, and more likely over 70%.) That means that up to 41% of the Jewish population were, or still are, complicit through their non-combative service, or personally responsible for the intentional injuries resulting from sniper activities, as well as the murder, the torture, the rape, the bombings, and the displacement of Palestinian civilians.
Everyone keeps pointing fingers at Bibi Netanyahu, his government officials and the “honourable” IDF, even though most of Israel's Jewish men and women, in other words, Israeli civilians, are the IDF soldiers who carry out the murderous, barbaric, and cruel actions against Palestinians while wearing the “honourable” IDF uniform. It's no bloody wonder that over 80% of Israelis support the brutality against Palestinian civilians, and loudly holler their war cries to destroy the terrorist group Hamas, when the IDF, its secretive factions, and Israeli citizens are the legal, national terrorists that intentionally target, torture, and murder hundreds and thousands of civilians in "self-defence". I have lost so much respect for the Israelis. I always sympathised with them as the victims, albeit, they are the victimisers. How could I have been so delusional for so long?
The intelligence and common sense of anyone who claims that Israel or the USA are democratic states needs to be questioned. Israel is a brutal, untrustworthy state that has used military force, lies, deception, propaganda, and manipulation to keep the West in tow and gain control of Palestine through the civilian occupation of millions of Jewish immigrants, who were granted the right of return to occupy land they never owned, but legally stole, while flying the holocaust, white supremacy, and religious dogma flags. Theft is theft regardless of the man-made laws that proclaim it isn't. The USA has been Israels greatest mentor and bosom buddy, because like Israel, the USA´s history is drenched in the blood of indigenous peoples. The USA and the virtuous West are 100% complicit in the atrocities against Palestinians through their unwillingness, as a global superpower, to put an end to it.
On the 8th June 2024, four Israeli hostages were rescued from the Nuseirat refugee camp. If you were to come across such a pro-Israeli post on social media, would you even question the content and consider doing more research on alternative media channels, or would you take the information at face value? I dare assume that you would believe what you see, which is the true tragedy, because you are also the willing victim of this brutal propaganda, and complicit in keeping the Israeli and Western genocidal tendencies alive and thriving.
What this pro-Israeli propaganda post does not mention is that over 698 Palestinians were injured and at least 276 were killed, of which 64 were children and 58 women. Nor does the post mention that the Israeli Occupation Forces were allegedly assisted by foreign soldiers, who had entered a refugee camp in Nuseirat disguised as displaced Palestinians and aid workers in a humanitarian truck. They violently raided the area, assaulting residents with intense ground and air attacks. According to survivors, the streets of Nuseirat were filled with bodies of dead and injured people, including children and women lying in pools of blood. Walls were covered in body parts that were scattered by multiple explosions and bombed houses. Gaza's healthcare system has been decimated, so the injured were taken to hospitals and had to wait on the floors for medical treatment. For fuck sakes, these were civilian refugees in a refugee camp!
The Western world and social media celebrate the rescue of four Israeli hostages, yet disregards or is oblivious to the treacherous motives, the brutality, and the murderous intentions of the Israeli government. Israel is a so-called "democratic" state that disregards international law and commits blatant war crimes, while virtuous Westerners remain the applauding audience waving Israeli flags and loudly proclaiming their unwavering support for Israel. Quite astounding! By the way, perfidy is a war crime. I quote: “Acquiring civilian disguise to conduct a military operation constitutes perfidy, which is strictly prohibited under international humanitarian law and tantamount to a war crime.” But who cares! Israel is the "bad boy" that does what the fuck he wants and gets away with it.
Besides the despicable deception through using a disguise, the lives of four Jewish hostages are far more valuable than the lives of hundreds of Palestinians, which is the repulsive revelation revealing the false superiority and evil that presides in masses of “good, ordinary people” around the world today. Just like the State of Israel or the IDF cannot exist without civilians and human resources, the evil of the world cannot exist without the ignorant masses that feed it, and we are part of the masses. Do you feed the atrocities, or do you starve them by expanding your knowledge and speaking out about such atrocities?
There is so much focus on the Israeli hostages, while everyone disregards the 1.9 million Palestinian hostages imprisoned in Gaza. Gaza is known as the world’s largest open-air prison. When do they get to go home, dear Israelis? What the ignorant West disregards is that Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine. How can we allow a group of religiously indoctrinated people, who nurture a victimised mentality and practice religious superiority that is rooted in interpreted scriptures apparently written by the supernatural God they worship, a God who endorses the displacement and killing of others, so that they may lay claim to land in the name of their God and their religion? What is normal about that? When did we, the human collective, accept that as normal behaviour? Are we all driven by our fear of religion and the supernatural, which is why we find it challenging to speak out against religions and religious dogma? It is time for the disempowerment of religions. The world has seen enough human sacrifice in the name of religions and their Gods.
It is astonishing how discrimination and dehumanisation is nurtured. The pro-Israeli post insinuates that everyone with a keffiyeh is a coward, and that they’re all calling out for the murder of Israelis. I find it fascinating, that most of us don't realise how our judgement of others, reveals our character and what we are unaware or ignorant of within ourselves. The Israeli citizens in IDF uniforms and Israeli politicians are the actual murderers of innocent Palestinian civilians. The State of Israel and most of its citizens are absolute experts at hiding their true faces and blaming others for the reality of their lives.
The hypocrisy surrounding anti-semitism is also astonishing, especially considering that Arabic and Hebrew constitute semite languages, and have nothing to do with Judaism or Jews, yet any criticism of Israel is censored and labelled anti-semitic. Oh, the bigotry! Anti-semitism is the powerful propaganda tool used to vindicate Israel’s actions that are everything but human or decent, and implemented to censor all voices that speak out against Israel and its actions.
My human mind really struggles to come to terms with the brutality and the inhumanity that permeates Israel’s society. I was shocked to the core when I read about the kneecapping competition revealed by discharged IDF soldiers, who served as snipers on the border of Gaza during the Great March of Return. Between March 2018 and December 2019, thousands of Palestinians protested peacefully along the Gaza border. 214 Palestinians were killed, 46 of whom were children. Even more shocking were the 36.100 wounded Palestinians, including nearly 8.800 children, who were shot with live ammunition resulting in injuries from which many lost their legs. The March of Return was a peaceful protest that IDF soldiers used as fun competition to maim innocent civilians by targeting their kneecaps. One IDF soldier bragged about hitting 52 kneecaps and even has the casings as souvenirs in his room. That is so fucking sick, isn´t it?
There have been so many reports of the torture and rape of Palestinians in detention camps. These accusations came to light through whistleblowers, testimonies from released prisoners, and investigative reports by media outlets like CNN and The New York Times. Then in July 2024, video footage was released showing the sexual abuse of a Palestinian detainee in Sde Teiman military base. The accused soldiers were detained at the base. A group of protestors, including members of parliament, protested against the rape accusations and broke into the base in an attempt to release the soldiers. These actions caused a heated debate in the Knesset, with some Knesset members defending such actions. Wow, and we still support a nation that debates and defends civilian rape? How far has Israel fallen? Or perhaps Israel was always the fallen angel, and we were just the oblivious masses intoxicated with the plight of the "Poor" Jews narrative.
I am at a point in my journey of unveiling truth, where it is obvious to me that the political arena and democratic governance we are all privy to, is a tactical forefront for corporatocracy. The true rulers of the world are found in corporate and banking boardrooms, where an elite group of individuals have amassed enormous power through centralised wealth, the creation of debt and disease, military conflicts and wars, destabilisation and terrorism, displacement and starvation, poverty and economic enslavement, and the exploitation and raping of resources, especially human resources. Corporatocracy has divided and controlled the masses through idolatry, religions, political ideologies, racism, consumerism, addiction, and nationalist education. Corporatocracy is a creation of the Western World, which includes the USA, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Israel.
The West has conquered most of the world with its fallacious, democratic ideologies, but never managed to overthrow China and Russia, the superpowers in the East. My opinion is that Israel was always meant to be the "bad boy" and the West’s military gateway to the East. With the “Poor Jews” narrative and the creation of Arabic, muslim enemies, the West was able to fund its covert military operations by granting Israel billions of tax dollars under the guise of providing protection, countering terrorism, and bringing stability and democracy to the region. The West has created its military superpower in Israel, and Israel is the “bad boy” who does what the fuck he wants, which is actually what the West wants, but cannot confess to, otherwise millions of ignorant Westerners would no longer offer their moral support. What does Israel want? To expand east beyond its borders through using terrorism as a tactic to murder thousands of civilians, bomb their villages to smithereens, and thereby occupy new lands.
With Israel's help, the West has also funded and trained terrorist groups to destabilise countries in the region, and many other regions around the world. These terrorist groups also target Israel, which gives Israel the right to retaliate in the name of democracy and self-defence. The events on October the 7th reveal Israel’s alleged complicity in those events. Israel has the world's best surveillance technologies, so there is absolutely no way that Hamas would have been able to do what it did without Israel's knowledge. The Hamas attack was all part of the plan to eliminate the rest of the Palestinians and take over the Gaza Strip, which is why it took the IDF so long to engage. The IDF is also responsible for the death of many Israelis on that fateful day, who were once again the sacrificial lamb for the Zionist vision of a greater Israel. Did you know that Israel funded and trained Hamas? The West and Israel are directly or indirectly involved in destroying the economies of many countries like Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, but the one country I believe it will fight its last battle with is Iran, a country strongly affiliated with Russia. I believe that Israel is the last piece still holding the West together. When Israel falls, and it will, it will take the West as we know it with it.
The world will learn about the atrocities committed by the moral West, and the world will be shocked. The veil will be lifted and the masses will finally discover the humanity they had consented to losing during the spiritual warfare raging between good and evil, and as we know, the good always wins in the end, and if good isn't winning, it ain’t the end.
Humanity will unite to create a world worth living in, a world that has no place for corporatocracy and its evil, warmongering, greedy, investors, power players and political cronies, who have always cared more about power, control and wealth than human beings or human nature. Sounds great, doesn’t it, but you are humanity. What are you doing to evolve on an emotional and intellectual level? Have you acknowledged your super-sized ego that may have been born from the brutal heritage you choose to ignore, from the guilt and shame your people carry deep within them, and from the victimisation you wallow in based on the suffering your people experienced way back then? Change begins with you, yes YOU!
Nothing will change until each of us understands the reality of the world we live in and our complicity in all the atrocities and evil that permeates our world. Nothing will change until the wrongs have been acknowledged and rectified. Nothing will change until all the perpetrators are brought to justice, including the lawmakers, the politicians, the leaders, the board members, the CEOs and other world leaders. Nothing will change until all the profits earned from the genocide in Gaza, and other atrocities in the world are forfeited by the corporations and shareholders to rebuild what they have destroyed.
All the occupied homes and villages must be given back to the Palestinians. The occupiers shall go back to the countries they were born in, or emigrate elsewhere, or live in areas that are unpopulated and available. The hundreds and thousands of Israeli soldiers, including their prime ministers, who have murdered and tortured Palestinians, shall be publicly tried and sentenced. All the military commanders and politicians who gave the orders shall be tried for war crimes and sentenced to life sentences. All of them shall be put to work in the Palestinian areas, where they can help rebuild what they have destroyed through unpaid, physical labour. The true legacy of past presidents, leaders, billionaires, superstars, or famous individuals shall be revealed, and their hallowed names shall be blemished with their true character.
This blog represents my personal opinion and the personal perspective I have of the truth I have researched. This blog is intended to rattle your cage and shatter your illusions. If I can assist you in awakening from your naive stupor, then my job is well done. Question EVERYTHING and do your own research. Become the change that champions the rise and not the demise of humanity.
Time is an invaluable asset. Thank you so much for sharing yours with me.
Kim.E xx
Artwork | Creative Writing + Editing | Recording + Editing: Kim.E - IsNotSo.com
This article serves the sole purpose of providing the reader with information without the intention to discriminate against, promote or influence the opinions of others.
Kim.E is an ordinary person with a personal opinion, and has written from her perspective and level of knowledge. She considers herself to be neither a professional nor an amateur in any field. This blog is for information purposes only.
Kim.E is not responsible for the accuracy of the information she has researched. It is the sole responsibility of every reader to pursue and explore their own channels of information to either confirm or reject what they have read.