What I strive to become...

An aspiring poet & writer, impact-driven entrepreneur, admirable role model, coveted content creator, dedicated educator, deeply intuitive communicator, thought-provoking enthusiast, devoted friend, loving mother, heart-centred spiritualist, open-minded individualist.

 What I really am...

Wild  party animal in good co. with awesome vibes, blissful recluse, stubborn individualist, intense conversationalist, blatantly honest & slap-in-the-face dudette, rather outspoken with love-to-hate perceptions, rebel with a profound cause, warm-hearted person until I'm not.

We all have big egos...

Most of us have had to interact with people and society, and would have especially big egos if we never worked on the subconscious conditioning and the negative emotions those interactions brought with them.

We absolutely love to hate egos, especially in everyone else. Most people believe that everyone who is self-centred is an egoist, but certainly not them. We all have numerous versions of our ego. Yes, those super annoying, contemptible, "un-evictable" tenants that go by the collective name of Ego come in different shapes, sizes and degrees of annoyance or heartache.

Self-denial of their existence comes at a heavy price, especially if we dare to consider that the personal reality we hate to live or wish to change has our ego´s fingerprints and footprints all over the manuscript.

Yeah, "Bitches" is a term of endearment!

My Bitches are my super-heroines that have been loved and hated by myself and others throughout my lifetime. Today, I have a huge amount of respect for them.

Kim.E Impossible

Fearless fighter, unwilling to conform, empowered by her Is-Ness, often cynical, brutally honest, independent thinker.

Kim.E Harmony

Deeply emotional, dislikes fighting, quite naive without healthy boundaries, often over-helpful, willing giver.

Kim.E Possible

Relentless, fails forward, open-minded, decisive, easily bored, courageous, solution oriented, creative, empowered.

Mummy Kim.E

Controlling, loving, nurturing, masterful nagger, knows better, constant worrier, always right. Mom's rules rule! Basta!

Workaholic Kim.E

Organised, quite disciplined, goal-oriented, only stops when the job is well done, all-round perfectionist, relentless.

Physical Kim.E 

Inconsistent, good intentions, addictive eating & behavioural patterns, lacks self-worth, hyperactive, cynical, critical.